[Spring Batch] 1. 알아보자

1. Spring Batch

1) Spring batch란?

  • Spring Batch는 Job과 Step으로 구성되어 있음.
  • 하나의 Spring Batch안에는 여러 Job이 존재 할 수 있고, 그 Job 안에는 여러 개의 Step 또는 Tasklet을 존재 할 수 있음.
  • Job -> Step -> ItemReader - ItemProcessor - ItemWriter


  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/reference/htmlsingle/#domain 에서 가져온 이미지 입니다.

2) 장점

  • 간단하게 대용량 배치를 만들 수 있다.
  • 이미 만들어진 많은 모듈들을 사용해서 손쉽게 구현가능(CSV 파싱, DB에서 가지고 오기, S3 등에 파일업로드 등)

3) 단점

  • 어렵다.(배우면 된다.)

2. Class 설명

1) ItemReader

  • Step 안에서 데이터를 가져오는 역할을 하는 Class이다.
  • 하나의 아이템이 리턴되거나 null
package org.springframework.batch.item;

 * Strategy interface for providing the data. <br>
 * Implementations are expected to be stateful and will be called multiple times
 * for each batch, with each call to {@link #read()} returning a different value
 * and finally returning <code>null</code> when all input data is exhausted.<br>
 * Implementations need <b>not</b> be thread-safe and clients of a {@link ItemReader}
 * need to be aware that this is the case.<br>
 * A richer interface (e.g. with a look ahead or peek) is not feasible because
 * we need to support transactions in an asynchronous batch.
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Lucas Ward
 * @since 1.0
public interface ItemReader<T> {

    * Reads a piece of input data and advance to the next one. Implementations
    * <strong>must</strong> return <code>null</code> at the end of the input
    * data set. In a transactional setting, caller might get the same item
    * twice from successive calls (or otherwise), if the first call was in a
    * transaction that rolled back.
    * @throws ParseException if there is a problem parsing the current record
    * (but the next one may still be valid)
    * @throws NonTransientResourceException if there is a fatal exception in
    * the underlying resource. After throwing this exception implementations
    * should endeavour to return null from subsequent calls to read.
    * @throws UnexpectedInputException if there is an uncategorised problem
    * with the input data. Assume potentially transient, so subsequent calls to
    * read might succeed.
    * @throws Exception if an there is a non-specific error.
    * @return T the item to be processed
   T read() throws Exception, UnexpectedInputException, ParseException, NonTransientResourceException;


2) ItemProcessor

  • Step 안에서 가져온 데이터를 가공하는 역할을 하는 Class이다.
  • Chunk 사이즈 만큼 Item들이 List로 들어온다.
package org.springframework.batch.item;

 * Interface for item transformation.  Given an item as input, this interface provides
 * an extension point which allows for the application of business logic in an item 
 * oriented processing scenario.  It should be noted that while it's possible to return
 * a different type than the one provided, it's not strictly necessary.  Furthermore, 
 * returning null indicates that the item should not be continued to be processed.
 * @author Robert Kasanicky
 * @author Dave Syer
public interface ItemProcessor<I, O> {

    * Process the provided item, returning a potentially modified or new item for continued
    * processing.  If the returned result is null, it is assumed that processing of the item
    * should not continue.
    * @param item to be processed
    * @return potentially modified or new item for continued processing, null if processing of the 
    *  provided item should not continue.
    * @throws Exception
   O process(I item) throws Exception;

3) ItemWriter

  • Step 안에서 데이터를 쓰는 역할을 하는 Class이다.
package org.springframework.batch.item;

import java.util.List;

 * <p>
 * Basic interface for generic output operations. Class implementing this
 * interface will be responsible for serializing objects as necessary.
 * Generally, it is responsibility of implementing class to decide which
 * technology to use for mapping and how it should be configured.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The write method is responsible for making sure that any internal buffers are
 * flushed. If a transaction is active it will also usually be necessary to
 * discard the output on a subsequent rollback. The resource to which the writer
 * is sending data should normally be able to handle this itself.
 * </p>
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Lucas Ward
public interface ItemWriter<T> {

    * Process the supplied data element. Will not be called with any null items
    * in normal operation.
    * @param items items to be written
    * @throws Exception if there are errors. The framework will catch the
    * exception and convert or rethrow it as appropriate.
   void write(List<? extends T> items) throws Exception;


3. 간단 용어 설명

1) Item

  • 데이터의 가장 작은 구성 요소를 말함.

2) Chunk

  • commit-interval
  • ItemReader 읽은 데이터를 Processor 통해 가공 한 후 ItemWriter 넘겨지는 갯수를 의미함.
  • 트랜젝션이 걸려 있다면 한 트랜젝션 안에서 처리할 Item의 수이다.

4. 옵션

1) 옵션 설명

  • spring.batch.initializer.enabled : Spring Batch 실행시에 Database 내 Table create 등 실행여부
  • spring.batch.job.enabled : Spring Batch 실행시에 Context내 모든 Job들 실행 여부
  • spring.batch.job.names : 실행할 Job 리스트, 콤마(,)로 구분한다.
  • spring.batch.schema : db 스키마 초기화 sql파일 위치 (바로가기)
  • spring.batch.table-prefix : 테이블명 앞에 붙일 명칭

2) 설정

  • application.properties
  • application.yml
    schema: org/springframework/batch/core/schema-h2.sql
    table-prefix: tmp_
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      names: test1,test2,test3


  • https://projects.spring.io/spring-batch/
  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/3.0.x/reference/html/index.html
  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/reference/html/listOfReadersAndWriters.html

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